• Where else can you visit a beautiful display garden, pick out any of the plants in it and take them home with you? 
  • Where else can you go to enjoy the passions, insights and experience of an over the top unapologetic hosta freak? 
  • Where else can you go to see over 10,000 hostas in over 200 varieties? 
  •  Where else can you get quantities of hostas large enough to create hosta gardens featuring large sweeps and vistas?
  • Where else is there a "local" source of hostas that isn't just a"local first" source for hostas it is "local exclusively" You have to come here to buy them!
  • Where else can you go to buy hostas that uses no non renewable energy sources to grow or deliver its plants?
  • Where else can you go that offers plants which are "extremely well established? We do not sell "bare root" nor small starter plants" nor do we ship, all of which other specialty hosta nurseries are forced to do! 
  • Where else can you go that features hostas which have been grown in the same conditions they will experience when planted in your garden? 
  • Where else can you go that offers hostas which grow well in our conditions and climate? The ones which don't do well (not surprisingly) eliminated themselves!
  •  Nowhere. That's Where.